Outdoor Water Features Come in Lots of Shapes and Sizes

Have you ever thought about turning your garden into an oasis of serenity? Incorporating a fountain into your garden provides tranquility as well as a variety of beneficial effects that come with having a water feature.The stream of water sent high up into the air by a spouting fountain is an spectacular sight to see. Large, existing ponds can have

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Historic Crete & The Minoans: Water Fountains

Fountains and Water and the Minoan Civilization These were used to supply urban centers with water as well as to minimize flooding and eliminate waste. They were for the most part made from clay or stone. There were terracotta conduits, both circular and rectangle-shaped as well as waterways made from the same components. These included cone-like a

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Keeping Your Large Outdoor Fountain Clean

Water fountains will last a long time with scheduled cleaning and maintenance. It is easy for foreign items to find their way into outdoor fountains, so keeping it clean is vital. Additionally, anywhere light from the sun mixes with still water, algae can form. Either sea salt, hydrogen peroxide, or vinegar can be dissolved into the water to elimin

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Setting Up and Maintaining Large Garden Fountains

An important facet to think about is the size of the outdoor wall fountain in respect to the space in which you are going to install it. In order to hold up its total weight, a solid wall is needed. So areas or walls which are smaller in size will most likely require something light. In order to run the fountain, an electrical plug will need to be

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Intimate Getaways: Something Unique

No matter how many years with him or her, going on an anniversary holiday can reinvigorate the relationship. Whether it’s a first time visit to Amsterdam on your wooden anniversary, re-creating your honeymoon vacation after 20 years, an anniversary trip can provide high quality love. And for those 2 lovebirds who are nearing the 40

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